Slide Your Way to a Flat Stomach - Slider Workout Series

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Slide Your Way to a Flat Stomach is a 4-part workout series designed to strengthen the entire body using nothing more than your bodyweight and a pair of sliders. Slider exercises have become very popular in recent years allowing the body to move in many ranges of motion using body weight resistance. These routines are fantastic for improved core strength, balance and joint mobility.

Workout 1: The Upper Body Toner Workout – This 10-minute workout is made up of 5 movements targeting the muscles of the upper body - back, chest, shoulders and arms

Workout 2: The Lower Body Gauntlet Workout – This routine targets the muscles of the lower body - inner thighs, hamstrings, quads and glutes. This is a 10-minute workout made up of 5 movements. 

Workout 3: The Full Body Toner Workout – This routine brings everything together hitting all of your muscles from head to toe. 

Workout 4: The Core Shredder Workout – This routine targets the muscles of the core. This includes the lower and upper abdominals, obliques and deeper transverse abdominal muscles. 

Each workout is 10-minutes and made up of 5 exercises. Perform 10 reps per exercise, rest 15 seconds between exercises and 60 seconds between rounds. Perform 3 rounds total for a great workout session.

**This workout program and bonuses are digital downloads. The sliders are not included. A download link will be emailed to you following your purchase.**
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